Saturday, May 22, 2010


May 21st.

-Was driving with my mom to a waterpark. The road went right along the actual park and there was an endless ocean on the other side. Pretty cool setting. Well I had found out that there was a Ghostbusters themed water slide that just opened and I was thrilled. I saw in the distance a water slide that coiled around a giant Stay Pufft Marshmellow Man. I was very worried, though, that I had to work and just beyond this water slide was a building in which my boss was working. I asked if I could take the day off but she never said anything, just sat at the desk and wrote some things down.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Been a few weeks since something good happened, dream wise. I guess I'm in a slump of sorts. But I'll make up for it by turning the creepiness factor up to 10.

May 18th.

-I was at a party in a big creepy house. It was very dimly lit and there were maybe 15 people there. I ran into a co worker I knew and she began to tell me that upstairs has had some real creepy stuff happen, like ghost sightings. Normally this is a bad thing for me dream-wise but 5 other people including myself decided to go upstairs and check it out. I followed behind everyone and when we get upstairs I noticed that there are 4 doors that are nearly covered in darkness. I watch as a person goes into a door each. I follow my co worker into a big room overlooking a moonlight midnight sky. I see a chair and a bunkbed in the room but that was it. I began to feel really creeped as if something is in there besides us two. Luckily, the dream ends there.

-I was in a small room with a partial wall in the middle so you can go around each side. I saw the room from an isometric perspective so I could see the entire layout. There was a doorway in the opposite corner of where I was. I noticed that the doorway was empty so I walked over to it only to have a big man appear from nowhere with a super creepy mask on. He didn't talk or move, he stood there. I knew from this point on I needed to solve a puzzle. I noticed there were tiny mirrors all around the room. And whenever I looked into a mirror, it showed something that wasn't physically in the room. For instance, I remember looking into a mirror and finding a toilet with red paint all over it. But it wasn't in the room.

I grabbed a small mirror and held it up to the man and he faded away. Cool.

Next I was in an empty subway station and my view was that of a first person shooter. It was like a mix of real life and Fallout 3. Why you ask? Well, out of nowhere, these big angry mermen type creatures rushed towards me and for some odd reason I was carrying an auto shotgun. I paused time and lined up shots to different body parts. I didn't get to shoot off anything because I woke up.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Back from vacation. Nothing exciting dream-wise but I have a good entry today.

Oh and if you came here because you read my survey on myspace, then LOL. JK enjoy.

May 6th.

-I was in a wide alley with a wrestling ring sitting atop a platform in the corner of two buildings. If you were in the ring you can look down and see through this alleyway and parts of the street. Well, nothing much happened other than I was standing in the ring with some other dude and all of a sudden a man in a suit appeared on the ring skirt and said something to the other guy that was in the ring and then the dream ended.

-I was outside in a full parking lot tossing a football around with some other guy that I didn't recognize. It was overcast outside and behind me was a large creekbed covered with tall trees. We tossed the ball around for a little bit until the guy tossed one over my head into the dried up creek. I ran after it and as I picked up the ball, I sensed some danger. This could have easily turned into a nightmare. I sprinted back to where I was and on my way back I saw a pile of cables near a tree. After I saw them, the dream faded.

-I was in a dark 2 story house with my parents and a real estate lady. It was so dark that this lady had to show us the house using flashlights. It was a really creepy place. Me, being the idiot, decided to go off on my own and check out the downstairs area. Beyond some railing was a small circular room with some old chairs, a TV set and large windows. As I scope out the area, I notice that all the windows have brickwalls behind them. What makes this creepier is that I begin to notice that the drapes and curtains begin moving as if a breeze is blowing. But that can't be since all the windows are sealed with brickwalls. I rush upstairs and notice flashlights being pointed in my direction. I remember asking the real estate lady, "Uh, is this place haunted." Luckily before a nightmare occured, the dream ended.

-I was driving with my mom down a road and we parked in a fancy waterfront shopping center. Totally ritzy. Super upper class, high scale. It looked like everything was made out of white marble, it was beautiful. Anyway, we made our way into a fancy movie theater and I forgot what movie we wanted to see but we decided to buy our tickets. Only instead of 2 we ended up buying like 50 tickets for some odd reason.

A few close calls in terms of having bad dreams but luckily I narrowly escaped. Good feeling to get of a dream in which you can actually sense danger. 60 entries down. Nearly halfway through the year. Looking good